VFP Conversion ROI calculator simulates the potential financial return on investment that you could realize by converting your VFP applications. In addition, see how and why conversion boosts productivity and generate savings within the first year after implementation. Your new system will transform your business by making your processes more flexible and agile while reducing IT costs.
Contrary to conventional wisdom the conversions we do at Macrosoft, all produce new systems that have greatly expanded functionality and performance, and provide room for significant growth in the future.
With Macrosoft’s extensive experience in conversion, we have found a whole slew of ways to improve the conversion process and to make the resultant system ever more robust. Some benefits are:
We use automation where it is beneficial, but not to an extent that it leads to unstructured code as the output. While extensive automation can lead to a lower cost of a conversion, the benefit is only illusory—the system it produces will not be useful and maintainable.
Data Morph is a new tool that allows our clients to migrate, their VFP Database directly into a SQL ...
The time really has come to virtualize your VFP application. We are not talking about migration or conversion or bringing ...
Migrating from AngularJS to modern Angular frameworks is no longer a luxury—it’s a business imperative. In today’s fast-evolving digital environment, ...
Financial organizations are on the hook to keep up with a breakneck ride of technology innovation to ensure their security, ...